Two Too Similar Souls
Two Too Similar Souls We were so much alike. Lengthy appreciation of nature and songs. Childlike reactions and contemplative ruminations. Taking care of others' feelings and thoughts. But sometimes sacrificing one's own feelings over others without knowing. Simultaneously longing for loving and being loved with fear and defenses. Slowly taking moves in delicate touches with giggles and gasps. Slightly flattered by playful compliments and significantly flattered by affectionate consolations. Looking forward to hearing what one wants to hear with a myriad of tensions about hearing what one does not want to hear. Mustering the courage to show one's feelings but with the core feelings undefined, uncovered, and undelivered. Believing in true connections and hope in dreams coming true, being frustrated whenever one confronts non-readiness and inner childishness. Waiting for proof that it is the perfect circumstance to love somebody with a...