Empty slots of puzzle


Empty slots of puzzle

A seemingly empty slot means I am holding a piece that might be filling the space.

Once all turns out to be heading the better way for me,

I can make the piece fit in the space,

making the whole picture seem more Godly way.

On the other hand,

if I miss the fact what was missing was to fill what has been missing in the first hand,

the empty space remains empty.

So as to appreciate the outright sight of a personal puzzle,

we should contemplate moments that make us feel puzzled.

Lost direction.

Longing person.

Least accomplishment.

Long distance too far to reach out.

Lashingly crashed hard times.

Love that remained in an unwanted but uncontrollable way.

Limited and dimmed steps to take along the darkest path.

The significant part of those circumstances hardly links to mere pieces.

They contribute to completing the whole picture of the jigsaw puzzle.

One week, one month, one year, or one whole life

is worthy of waiting to finally feel confident 

in insisting that those times meant pivotal pieces in life. 

Once we have aha moments like

"That long-suffering I carried was to calm my fragility down!"

"Wandering among lots of thin chances broadened and differentiated me as "the" person!"

"The paths I tried to take with plenty of courage were traps of prejudice and distortion I made myself!
What a relief that I failed to actually take a step!"

Those disillusions brighten our visions that were veiled and distorted once before.

Although imposing meanings to life by oneself appears in vain from time to time,

I cannot help but make stories just like a defense mechanism 

to survive continual nonsense surprises on a daily basis. 

Or, if one truly believes that an undescribable creator intervenes in one's trivial life rollercoaster

to save a pitiful fragile being from a meaningless stance facing one's life,

it comes to make sense markedly.

That is why I choose to build and decode connotations of what I have stepped so far 

by reflecting on what I had missed and earned today and tomorrow.

Heretofore, problems stayed as problematic barriers.

Thence, those barriers crumble like a cookie in front of ruminations.

Eventually, one's life jigsaw racks up a piece with lines and colors connected to other pieces beyond time and space.

Correspondingly, bliss and thanksgiving follow with eternal rewards; not a situation but a maturation.

Again, I am carving the existence and significance of putting my puzzle together into my mind.

Still, what I am feeling certain about can end up frustrating me harshly.

No matter how similar life flows as I expected, 

it would be either good as I thought 

or better as a puzzle piece waiting for meanings imposed on the jigsaw board.


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